About Dr Suraj Gupte

Dr Suraj Gupte, presently, Chairman & Founder, Pediatric Education Network Foundation & former head of Post-graduate departments of Pediatrics establishing various Medi-colleges from a scratch in India & adjoining countries, having received a number of honorary international doctorates & fellowships. He is also a writer, Professor at a University & an honorary fellow of the prestigious European Society. Having currently been knighted with post of Principal Advisor, Children’s Health Institutes™ (A worldwide web based multi-language joint venture of World Parenting Association (WPA-UK) & International Society for Child Rights Inc- ISCR USA) Dr Gupte, is a celebrated doctor who hails from the alumni of world-renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, (PGI Chandigarh) in India. At present, he is also the Chairperson. He is also Emeritus Professor & Head, Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics, MMC/ General and Superspeciality Hospitals, Khammam, South India. Dr Suraj Gupte occupies a pride of place for outstanding contribution as pediatric educationist, author, researcher and innovator globally.
He has authored/edited several books, including the Speaking of Child Care and Baby Book: Parents Guide international series, Recent Advances in Pediatrics (55 volumes released so far), Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (an Indo-Amercan project), Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Case-based Reviews in Pediatric Emergencies, etc. He has published/presented more than 260 papers at national & global periodicals/conferences/workshops & symposia.
Dr. Suraj Gupte, besides holding important positions in the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) and its subspecialty chapters, has been associated in organizing several national and international medical events. A recipient of several national and international awards and Visiting Fellowships/Professorships, Dr. Suraj Gupte figures in most of the national and international Who’s Who volumes, including the Morqui’s Who’s Who – a pre-eminent database of outstanding global personalities.
The prestigious European Society of Professional Writers (ESPW) recently honored him with the coveted “Medical Author of the Decade” award for outstanding literary contribution in the field of pediatric medicine
Dr Suraj Gupte, presently, Chairman & Founder, Pediatric Education Network Foundation & former head of Post-graduate departments of Pediatrics establishing various Medi-colleges from a scratch in India & adjoining countries, having received a number of honorary international doctorates & fellowships. He is also a writer, Professor at a University & an honorary fellow of the prestigious European Society. Having currently been knighted with post of Principal Advisor, Children’s Health Institutes™ (A worldwide web based multi-language joint venture of World Parenting Association (WPA-UK) & International Society for Child Rights Inc- ISCR USA) Dr Gupte, is a celebrated doctor who hails from the alumni of world-renowned Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, (PGI Chandigarh) in India. At present, he is also the Chairperson. He is also Emeritus Professor & Head, Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics, MMC/ General and Superspeciality Hospitals, Khammam, South India. Dr Suraj Gupte occupies a pride of place for outstanding contribution as pediatric educationist, author, researcher and innovator globally.
Here’s how I want to help you-
- If you’re a budding Pediatrician, a Clinician, an Author or a PG student?
- If you’re an Entrepreneur or have a hospital setup project in mind?
- If you’re a new parent?
- If you’re a human being who wants to take a better care of planet?
If you are a person or an organisation who wants to leave an impact on humanity, my charitable institutes are always eager to aid your philanthropy & activities for betterment of general public at large. I hope you will learn from my decades long experience in the field.
The preliminary aim of the website is to facilitate established Pediatricans, students & other Medical professionals with emerging trends & updates in the vast world of Pediatrics.This website is a one-stop portal for all your academic & consultative needs. The content part is enriched with articles, chapters, illustrations & info-graphics. The key to achieving your carrier dreams is to embrace them more fully by gathering all forms of knowledge, both clinical & academic and also to explore advanced concepts.
Be a part of internet’s largest pediatric organization of medical communication professionals. Get quick and supportive answers to questions from your peers, discuss current issues, and learn about relevant resources. Expand your network and connect with doctors from all over.
My Books

- Reference supported content of special relevance and applicability
- Profusely illustrated with pics, figures, tables, flowcharts, algorithmcontent of special relevance and applicability
- Acclaimed content of special relevance and applicability
- Most up-to-date, peer reviewed, evidence based state of art chapters
- Multi-disciplinary, straightforward, Easy-to-understand descriptions
- Tailor-made to needs of PGs, Residents, Faculty and Practitioners
A medical series, that has been an all time ‘best seller’ not only in India, but in Asia-Pacific, the middle-east as well in South African Subcontinent as well. In respective volumes, hundreds of peer-reviewed, evidence-based and state-of-the-art chapters contributed by hundreds of experts drawn from India and abroad review the depth and breadth of knowledge in the field of neonatology bearing in mind relevance and applicability in the Indian subcontinent and other resource-limited countries. All the chapters are remarkably excellent, providing stimulating, mature, informal and at times provocative updates. Such an approach has stood the test of the time for inculcating knowledge as also motivating interaction, discussion, research and innovation. Multidisciplinary approach with an eye on future continues to be the guiding principle of the series. The academic feast provided in a holistic manner should prove a bonanza to the scholars of neonatology for translating advances in neonatology from benchside to bedside and beyond to the community.

- Top ranking- Best Seller, More reader friendly, illustrated & comprehensive
- Clinically oriented, highly acclaimed & authentic source of modern pediatrics
- State-of-the-art first & foremost pediatric textbook from Indian sub-continent
- Addressed to Medical students (both UGs & PGs), Interns, House-physicians, Residents, Junior Pediatricians & practicing Physicians dealing with children
- Covers fresh concerns by distinguished contributors drawn from India & abroad bearing in mind special interests of undergraduates in the light of MCI (Medical Council of India) curriculum aswell as to meet requirements of PG entrance tests.
India’s first & foremost bestseller series now with its 13th edition is an excellent combo of clinical pediatrics with updated advances in the field of child health. The book “Short Textbook of Pediatrics” is aimed at providing a concise, simple and profusely-illustrated digest of the contemporary pediatrics, relevant to the developing world. Common tropical problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, diarrheas, tuberculosis and other frequent infections and parasitic infections and immunization, have received special attention. Each and every chapter stands updated with extensive revisions and/or rewriting, reorganization and additional material. Besides a few new chapters, hundreds of fresh illustrations (clinical photographs, diagrams, algorithms/flow charts), boxes and tables are added. An enlarged Index shall further facilitate easy retrieval of information. In keeping with the changing needs, two new features have been incorporated at the end of each chapter in the form of self-assessment multiple choice questions (MCQs) and clinical problem-solving reviews. As a result, the new edition is yet more reader-friendly, state-of-the-art and practical-oriented. This book is divided into ten sections which comprise total 52 chapters. The first and section deal with an introduction to pediatrics and core pediatrics. Section third and fourth discusses the neonatology and pediatric infections. Section fifth provides the pediatric subspecialties. Section sixth describes the allied specialties. Section seventh covers the miscellaneous and unclassified issues. Section eighth and ninth discusses the pediatric procedures and pediatric syndromes. The last section deals with the pediatric drug dosages.

- Dominating the scene over the last 4 decades, stands full revised, updated & enlarged
- Now with HD Color Atlas, over 300 visual illustrations of instructive clinical situations
- A handy companion- best source for the visual diagnosis of pediatric disorders
- Descriptive differential diagnosis of 62 major clinical situations & much more
- Illustrative clinical pictures, images, diagrams, flowcharts/algorithms/boxes
- An authoritative & important source of differential diagnostics in children
The sixth edition of Prof. Suraj Gupte’s differential diagnosis in pediatrics, which has dominated the scene over the last 4 decades, stands fully revised, updated, and enlarged. Addressed to the undergraduates, interns, postgraduates, residents, practising pediatricians, family physicians, etc. It acts as a dependable source of the state-of-the-art knowledge in reader-friendly format.
This new edition provides pediatricians with the latest developments in the diagnosis of diseases and disorders in children. Divided into five sections, the book begins with a colour atlas illustrating different signs and symptoms. The following chapters describe numerous common pediatric presentations with guidance on differential diagnosis. The book concludes with sections on differential diagnosis of select clinical signs, salient laboratory findings, and select radiologic signs. The sixth edition has been fully revised and features new topics including micrognathia, Potter’s face syndrome, mediastinal shift, and more. A complete handy guide to latest developments in differential diagnosis of pediatric diseases and disorders. The fully revised, sixth edition featuring several hot topics including comprehensive colour atlas illustrating different signs and symptoms
Pediatric Education Network
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Aagenaes Syndrome: A form of idiopathic familial intrahepatic cholestasis in which cholestasis is accompanied by lymphedema of the lower extremities.
Neonatal Sepsis: Role of Genomics in the Diagnosis and Management B Vishnu Bhat, D Benet Bosco Dhas INTRODUCTION The newborn
Neonatal Sepsis: Role of Genomics in the Diagnosis and Management B Vishnu Bhat, D Benet Bosco Dhas INTRODUCTION Genetic linkage
Managing Pain in the Neonates KM Adhikari, Sheila S Mathai, Uma Raju Part 1 – Spotlight: Neonatal Nutrition Recent Advances
The term, convulsion or seizure, denotes a temporary disturbance of brain function manifested by involuntary motor, sensory, autonomic or psychic
Constipation (Latin: constipare–to press together) refers to passage of small hard, dry stools that contain mainly solids and minimal water.
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— Dr Suraj Gupte (@recentadvances) April 10, 2022
Words of Appreciation